
PCRD Class:

The colors I have used so far are:

For watercolor the colors I have used so far - aureolin yellow, new gamboge, cobalt blue, alizarin crimson.  The under painting was cobalt blue mixed with sienna brown.  The background is the under painting with alizarin crimson on top and then I added some spots of sap green while it was still wet.

For acrylic I used - primary yellow, primary blue, primary red, titanium white (Liqutex Basic brand).  The under painting was primary blue mixed with mars black.  The background had the under painting and if you remember I mixed all the colors used in the parrot on my palette together (mostly the blue and yellow with a little white and red) and painted the background with those (I did add some water to make it thin).

For colored pencil so far I have used canary yellow, indigo blue, crimson red and true blue.  For the 'under painting' I used dark brown on off-white mat board.

I used white colored pencil for the piece on gray mat board and indigo blue colored pencil for the piece on cream pebble board - these are the 'under paintings'.

(remember, concentrate on the lights and darks, the values, more than color).

See you Tuesday!