
SW CP class

I started adding color with spanish orange.  I put a light coat over all areas that are orange on the half I am demonstrating and in the eye, lightly.  I then used pale vermilion over the top of that and on the edge of the eye. 

Next I used sienna brown to add shadows and to darken some of the orange in areas as needed.  I added dark brown for deeper shadows and darker areas as well. 

I added a little chartreuse to the eye.  I then added a shadow with sienna brown under the lid, on the top part of the eye.  I darkened the top of that shadow with dark brown. 

I added more black to the areas around the eye.  I then used white to make the highlighted areas, to give that some form.  I used sienna, pale vermilion and white to work on the white area below the eye.  I gave it a fur texture too, basically "messing up" the edges.

I'm working on all transitions from the white to the orange.  I'm studying them and using white, pale vermilion and sometimes sienna brown to make the transitions.

For the black spots I am giving it a fur texture, "messing up" the edges with white and black and brown and orange as needed.

For the nose I added peach over the whole thing and then pale vermilion and then peach again.  Later I added more pale vermilion in the darker areas and some white for the highlight to give it some form.  I added some black texture around the nose area as needed.