
NCBG Gouache, June 2016

Local color, first pass.

Local color, second pass, done at home.

Local color, third pass done in class.  I added more darks and lightened some areas.  I added some yellow to add a glow as well as more light and some details.

Value Study, first pass.

Value study, second pass.  I started adding the local color using the value study as a road map.  The values underneath also influences/affects the color I place on top.

This started as a textured watercolor background (you can also do the background in gouache, but watercolor works a bit better as a background).  The paper was wet, the blue and green dropped in, and plastic wrap placed on top and scrunched to create the textures.  Leave the plastic wrap on until the paint is dry.  Then I transferred the drawing and started adding white as well as the dark (it helps me see the subject better).  I need to finish adding the lights and darks.