
Continuing Watercolor (March/April 2013)

Gouache on watercolor.  I put down watercolor first, put wax paper on top and then painted white gouache  on the light areas.  I started adding some color.  I darkened the background.  The flamingo needs more color and darks which will be easier after a day of drying.

Quick watercolor.  Wet the paper, added green, yellow, and some magenta..  Let that dry.  Came back and added more color, values, and salt.  painted yellow and a little green over the background (to mute the salt texture a little).  It needs a little more values and details, but is close to complete.

I worked a little more on the mouth (still needs a little more...) added hair and worked on the coat (added shadows).  It is close to done - will add more details and fix a few things.