
Aqueous Acrylics (April 2013)

Acrylic bubble wrap texture.  Wet surface, drop in color, place bubble wrap on top, put a book on top of that, allow to dry. 

Acrylic on masonite,  Today I added the leaves.  I mixed a bright green (pthalo green and yellow).  I painted all the leaves the bright green (except there is one I missed...).  After that dried I used several mixtures of green, yellow, white, blue, and a little magenta.  I worked on the leaves adding highlights, shadows, and details.  Remember the separate the leaves (I used darks and lights).  I allowed some of the background to show through.  I worked on the brown part on the underside of the leaves.  I mixed a brown (magenta, yellow, a little pthalo green)  I painted the leaf brown and added white at the top and blue on the bottom to make it look like it curls.

Acrylic plastic wrap texture.  Wet the surface, drop in color, apply the plastic wrap (you can shape it how you want it), and allow it to dry.  It does not usually require a book on top.

Acrylic wax paper texture.  Wet the surface, drop in color, crinkle the wax paper, lay it on top, put a book on top.  This must have a book on it or there will most likely be little to no texture.

I added some darks, lights, color, and details.  A few areas still need work and I need to tone down the texture on his jaw that I put on today.