
I worked on the body of the cow.  I wet the cow and dropped in darks guiding them to shade the cow.  I will finish the darks and add the white with gouache in the next class. 

I worked a little on the eye.  It still needs to be shaded a little.  I made the eye white with gouache and added a dark center.  I used a dark red to add shadows in the area around the eye.

I used my cool red and added a little warm red to it.  I wet the paper and dropped in the color.  I added a little salt for texture.  If the color is too light, do another round of the red.  After it dried I transferred the drawing with white transfer paper (grey will work as well).  I then used white gouache to start shading the flamingo.  I wet the areas I was working on and dropped in the white gouache and guided it. I made the white gouache more and less white with the amount of water I added to the gouache.   I mixed a darker red (did this using the red for the background and added a little blue and/or green to it until it was darker).  I wet the dark areas and dropped in the darker color.  I will add the feather textures and details later.  These first passes of values is to make the flamingo look round, to give it form.  Detail comes later.