
DAC MM Jan and Feb 2019

I worked on a few strands of the hair, the clothes and added a few more darks and lights to the face.  This needs much more value work as well as details and refining.  In the hair I used color first, then black and then light peach and scribbled darks and lights to make the look of the braids.  There is a lot more to do. 

I worked on the nose with mostly white and black layering and paying attention to the values. I worked on the area around the eye and the eye and a little on the mane.  I used cream, white, terra cotta and black.  I did a light layer of yellow due to the color of my paper.  My horse was looking pink due to the background color so I used yellow to tone the pink down.  Still have lots more to do, but it is well on the way.