
NCBG ICP August 2018

I worked more on the background, the flowers and worked on the branch.

I apologize. I realize I did not post this last week. Colored pencil on UART dark sanded pastel paper 800 grade.   Start with white, do the entire pod and seeds with white values.  Add color after the white is complete.  My advice is to do a light red on the seeds to help you see them more easily (which will help you figure out the rest). 

I worked on the color.  I used scarlet lake, pomegranate, white and Copenhagen blue (could use indigo or another blue) on the seeds.  I used dark brown, terra cotta, white, ginger root (could use cream instead) and copenhagen blue (could use indigo or another blue) on the pod and stem.  I added some yellow chartreuse on the bottom of the pod.  Remember - VALUES.