
DAC Colored Pencil July & August 2018

This is a piece of watercolor paper (student grade).  I transferred the drawing and shaded outside the flower with watercolor pencil.  I wet the top part already, I will also wet the bottom.  I left it so you can see the WC pencil I put on.  This is one of many things you can do for a background for pieces done on Dura-Lar Matte.  I have used as backgrounds watercolor paper with painted textures, watercolor paintings, and colored paper.  I often cut out the shape of the subject in white and place the white behind the subject on the textured or colored paper.  

This is the Dura-Lar placed over the background.  Of course the subject and the background are not complete, but you can see the idea.  Typically I would not make the background until the Dura-Lar piece was completed so I could decide which side will be the one on display.

I worked more on the face adding lights and some darks.  It still needs more darks and details, but it's getting there.  It takes layers and time to finish.  I worked a little on the cloth near the earring and the earring.  On the earring I used canary yellow, white, terra cotta, scarlet lake).  On the cloth I used canary yellow, spanish orange, white,pale vermillion and scarlet lake.  I added canary yellow on the head scarf as I was talking about making sure the color used is placed around your piece.