
Scratchboard and Pen & Ink (August 2014)

Pen & Ink on Bristol Board.  I transferred the drawing with graphite paper and used a brush marker for the solid dark areas and a Micron Pen (#2) for the pointillism.  Pay attention to the patterns of lights and darks, even the subtle changes.  I usually start with the dark areas.

Scratchboard on Ampersand Scratchbord.  I transferred the drawing with white transfer paper.  I used a fiberglass brush (the small one) for the white area.  I cleaned up the edges with a scratch knife (Ampersands version).   I used the wire brush on the top of the head along with a scratch knife.  I could do this entire piece with one tool such as a #11 exacto knife or a scratch knife (many artists work with one tool).

Scratchboard practice piece using various tools.

Pen & Ink on Bristol Board.  I transferred the drawing with graphite paper and a Micron Pen (#2) for the pointillism and cross hatching and hatching.  Pay attention to the patterns of lights and darks, even the subtle changes.  I usually start with the dark areas, here I was demonstrating certain areas for students.

White transfer on scratchboard.

This is an older practice sheet for pen & ink with the various drawing marks/techniques and a bit of doodling on the top and bottom by my son with a croquill pen.