
Mixed Media Sertoma (August 2014)

This is the start of the dogwood in colored pencil superimposed over a textured watercolor background.  The background was made with watercolor and rubber cement (remind me to show you next class).

This is the first step in the dogwood on a textured background made specifically for the dogwood.  The drawing was transferred first and then the paper was dampened and color was loosely painted and salt added (watercolor on watercolor paper).

This is colored pencil over an abandoned 'ugly' painting.  The painting had become muddy and awful so I decided to use it for a mixed media.  This type works great for colored pencil and pen & ink over the top.  I used pen & ink in the dark areas, on the glasses, and to add texture and pattern on the shirt (need to do more).   I then used a white pencil to add my lights.  Next I used light peach, peach, and sienna brown for the skin. I added a little red to the shirt as well.