
Yupo Workshop

Watercolor on Yupo.  I directly painted the frog and background, covering the paper with color.  I then started adding a few darks, lifted a few light areas, and worked a little on detail.  I will continue working until I am satisfied.

This is watercolor pencil on Yupo.  I dipped the pencil in water and started shading in the areas.

This is watercolor on Yupo with crumpled wax paper pressed into thje paint and left until it is dry.  I then carefully added a glaze of red.  I also lifted out the line and added red to it and the other line is a blown drop of red.

Watercolor on Yupo.  I covered the paper with the red paint and let it dry.  I transferred the drawing and started lifting out light areas and adding dark areas, details, and color as needed.  There is still more to do, but it's fairly close to complete.

This is the very beginning of a painting of the woman.  I will do darker skin for this one and a lighter and more textured background.  This texture is from bubble wrap.