
Sertoma, CW, Sept./Oct. 2012

Watercolor hibiscus.  First I transferred the drawing (make sure it is fairly dark, if not go over it in areas with a pencil), applied masking fluid to a few highlighted areas, and wet the paper. I then carefully applied a light wash of cobalt and permanent rose ranging from red purple to blue purple all over the paper (be careful or you can lose the drawing).  Next I removed the masking fluid (after the paper was dry) and started negative painting between the petals as well as adding washes to the petals (positive areas).  I mixed a varied green (cobalt and aureolin) and painted the leaves sometimes adding a bit of the purple and some of the aureolin.

I added a little more detail to the owl.  It of course needs more.  The detail is accomplished by drawing with the paint - various colors and varied in the amount of water as well.