
Tuesday Class

Watercolor wash on primed Masonite prepped with Absorbent Ground (a Golden Acrylic product).  Notice how much the color is absorbed.  The ground is super absorbent and 'velvety' to work on. I used only cobalt and permanent rose plus water (wet the board first) 

Acrylic tomato painting.  I used more color and layered it on top of the last layer adding more vibrancy and more value changes and detail.

Colored pencil on Bristol Board.  I darkened this a little with tuscan red and worked on the stem area a little Red and green made the center darker).

Colored pencil on black paper.  Sorry for the poor photo (remember me telling you cp on black is harder to take pictures of...).  Remember I layered canary yellow very lightly, then scarlet lake very lightly.  I added some orange and then more white and yellow to the light areas as needed.  I used tuscan red to add some darks.  I used peacock green and chartreuse on the background.  I used peacock green and tuscan red for the dark areas in the center.  You saw how much I lightly layered the color (and how much better this looks in person...).


Thursday Class

Acrylic on acrylic 'paper'.  I used a warm brown to do a value under-painting.  I will layer color over the top and add details.

Watercolor on watercolor paper (Cotman 200 lb. as an experiment).  I first did a value under-painting.  After it was dry I started putting washes of color over the top.  I will add more color and detail.


Yupo Workshop

Watercolor on Yupo.  I directly painted the frog and background, covering the paper with color.  I then started adding a few darks, lifted a few light areas, and worked a little on detail.  I will continue working until I am satisfied.

This is watercolor pencil on Yupo.  I dipped the pencil in water and started shading in the areas.

This is watercolor on Yupo with crumpled wax paper pressed into thje paint and left until it is dry.  I then carefully added a glaze of red.  I also lifted out the line and added red to it and the other line is a blown drop of red.

Watercolor on Yupo.  I covered the paper with the red paint and let it dry.  I transferred the drawing and started lifting out light areas and adding dark areas, details, and color as needed.  There is still more to do, but it's fairly close to complete.

This is the very beginning of a painting of the woman.  I will do darker skin for this one and a lighter and more textured background.  This texture is from bubble wrap.

Yupo Workshop

Texture made with watercolor and crumpled wax paper on Yupo.

Texture made with watercolor and crumpled wax paper on Yupo.

Texture made with watercolor and crumpled wax paper on Yupo.

Texture made with watercolor and bubble wrap on Yupo.

Texture made with watercolor and bubble wrap on Yupo.

Texture made with watercolor and crumpled wax paper on Yupo.

Texture made with watercolor and crumpled wax paper on Yupo.

Various texture with watercolor on Yupo - bubble wrap, alcohol spray, salt, drips...

Sertoma, CW, Sept./Oct. 2012

I added more detail and I still have more to do. 

This is at the start of organizing the values and details.  There is still quite a bit to do, but it has potential.

MB CP Workshop

Pen and ink and colored pencil on dura-lar matte.  This is from the black and white side.

This is from the color side

Colored pencil on dura-lar matte. This is from the black and white side (black colored pencils used for a value drawing).

This is from the color side.

MB CP Workshop

The quick demo from the workshop from the black and white side.

This is from the color side.


Tuesday Class

Acrylic tomato painting on acrylic paper.  First I mixed black and a little brown for a dark.  I did a value study similar to the one below.  The I added the color - red, yellow, and green paying attention to the values.  I will need to add some highlights, details, and a few darks next.

Value study tomato painting.

Colored pencil white on black.  I finished the white part of the drawing and started to add a yellow green to the background (chartreuse).  I need to add more color next.


MB CP Workshop

These are the photos used in the MB Workshop.

MB CP Workshop

Pen and ink on Dura-lar matte.  This is the black and white side.

A small amount of colored pencil and pen and ink on Dura-lar matte.  This is the black and white side.

Colored pencil and pen and ink on Dura-lar matte.  This is the color side.

Black colored pencil on Dura-lar matte.  This is the black and white side.

Black colored pencil plus a little color on Dura-lar matte.  This is the black and white side.

Black colored pencil  and a little color on Dura-lar matte.  This is the color side.

Sertoma, CW, Sept./Oct. 2012

The truck after I removed the rubber cement.  I will work from here on Wednesday during class.


Sertoma, CW, Sept./Oct. 2012

4.  (see below for steps 1-3) - After the paper was dry, I drizzled a second layer of rubber cement on the paper.  5.  After the rubber cement was dry I started adding color to the areas of the truck and background.  I added perm. rose, indigo, aureolin, new gamboge. I paid attention the the photo somewhat when adding the color and values.  Next I will remove the rubber cement (after the paper is dry).  I will bring it to class and show the next steps in class.

I worked on this a little more adding more detail.

Thursday Class

Photos for class

Sertoma, CW, Sept./Oct. 2012

This is the gouache piece with glazes of aureolin and green gold over the top (and a little rose glaze on the hat).  I will need  to punch up the values.  The glazes have made this piece warmer than it was before..

I worked more on the leaves, the glass vase (added some things inside and added a shadow on the bottom).  I also worked on the flowers as well (negative painting and washes on the petals).

I added more detail (drawing with the watercolor) and added a wash of green and a small amount of brown in areas to the background.

This is the new piece.  1. I transferred the drawing first (very darkly or go over some with pencil as it will start to come off through this process).  2. I dribbled rubber cement over the painting.  3. After it dried I wet the paper and added aureolin and new gamboge (I did not wet the lights, grill, or windshield areas to keep them clear of paint).  This is what it looks like after the first 3 steps.


Sertoma, CW, Sept./Oct. 2012

Photos for class projects


Tuesday Class

Colored pencil on Bristol Board.  I added a light layer of canary yellow to the tuscan red value study (on the tomato, the shadow, and a light layer on the background around the tomato).  Then I added a layer of Crimson over the yellow paying attention to values (on the tomato and shadow).  After the crimson I added a layer of orange.   I lifted in areas if they got to dark.  I used olive green and a little chartreuse over the light tuscan around the tomato (it needs work).