This was what this looked like before class.
This is what it looked like after class.
In class I demonstrated the next layers on the bracts. I added more white for light areas and more of the yellow chartreuse as needed. I added the crimson lake for the tips and darkened the tips (grass green and red make a nice dark as does red and indigo blue). I also added a warm yellow to some areas of the bracts. I overlapped the green and red where they meet on the bracts.
I added grass green to the flowers in the center and also used white, and yellow chartreuse. I added crimson lake to make the darks (indigo blue would work as well) and to add some red on the flower buds in the center. This area still needs more darks and refining and detail.
I also demonstrated on the stem using Crimson Lake, Yellow Chartreuse, and Grass Green (and white if needed). You can also use Indigo Blue to add darks.