I wet the paper, dropped in ultramarine blue on the back side of the dog and all over the background. I added spanish orange to the front of the dog as well as pyrrole scarlet to add warmth. The red faded quite a lot on the front of the dog as it dried, I can add glazes of it later if I feel that it needs the color. I also added red to the collar.
Color choices can be different, choose colors that you prefer.
I also flicked some color into the wet paint.
I added red on the front of the dog, I felt it was needed.
I started adding the mixed dark (I mixed ultramarine blue, pyrrole scarlet, a little spanish orange, and a little phthalo blue to make the black). I dampened the medium to large areas so that I had more time to work. I worked wet on dry on the smaller areas. I added the dark from the darkest areas to the lightest areas. This is the first pass with the dark and will not have all of the details or values quite yet.
Do some negative painting into the white fur parts of the dog's fur.
I added some spanish orange into the eyes.
I worked on the face, lightly. I will add another layer here in the next class. I also worked on the body with more negative painting for the fur texture into the white fur.
I added the values into the nose, lightly for this first pass.
I used the mixed gray to add shadows to the collar. I also added some more red to some areas.
I added the values into the eyes and then the color after that was dry.
I added white gouache into the collar. I will also demonstrate white gouache on the dog after we get more darks and some texture and detail first.
I also added some red near the eye. I am studying the background as I go to decide what it needs. It may need more red and/or to subdue some areas of the red. The yellow near the bottom needs to be either balanced or eliminated. Glazes into the background might be needed. Still looking and waiting for more to be done on the dog.