This is the photo from last week.
These photos are at the same place. They look different due to lighting and the camera used to take them. I wanted you to see the variation. And this is after I used editing to try and bring them closer together.
During class I worked on the fig in layers. I added grass green, lightly, to shift the fig towards green. I then used grass green, indigo blue, white, spanish orange and yellow chartreuse plus burnt ochre to work on the values, the color, and the details. I studied the photo and added darks, lights, texture, little details, and concentrated on warm and cool areas.
Next I focused on the branch, especially the lights and darks. I used burnt ochre, dark brown, indigo blue, and white. I also added color using spanish orange, scarlet, lake or yellow chartreuse. I started to add texture and details. I will continue the branch next week.