
BAL Painting and Drawing with Watercolor Pencils, February 17 and 24

This was the end photo from the former post of this process.

I added watercolor pencil, green and brown.  I wet the bottom half so that you can see the difference between the dry and wet.

Finished wetting the entire background and wet the background into the mane.

I added more dry watercolor pencil to the background and worked on the zebra with dry watercolor pencil refining some areas and re-establishing the mane.

Worked on the zebra some more, all dry watercolor pencil.

Added another layer of dry watercolor pencil to the entire background.

Wet the background.  This Background would work fine.  I worked on the zebra adding darks and lights and some color.  All dry watercolor pencil.

I worked on the zebra some more adding darks and lights.  It still needs more work.  I smoothed out the background with dry whit pencil to show what that would look like.  I could wet it again or add more layers to keep working it.  It is not there yet.