
Sertoma Cont. Watercolor, January and February, 2020

I wet the paper, making it very wet.  I dropped in ultramarine blue (the color is up to you), keeping it away from the lower neck and the front of the face.  This photo was taken in class with my phone so the lighting and color are not correct.

I started working on the spots.  I mixed a brown using 3 primaries (I used my warm red, warm yellow and green blue to make the brown - Daniel Smith pyrrol scarlet, pthalo blue, permanent yellow deep, colors you have will work fine. ).  I dampen one of the spots and drop in some brown.  I also drop a little yellow and/or red and/or blue into the brown (the ones I used to make the brown).  I will work to finish the spots before the next class.  For the eye, I looked at the light version of the photo in order to save some light areas in the eye.  I mixed a dark using my darkest blue, a red and yellow.  I wet the eye around the light spots  and dropped in the dark.  I then went around the outside of the eye with a damp brush feathering it out to look like fur.  I will show what to do with the light spots of the eye in class.

I saved my whites using masking fluid (I use gray Pebeo Drawing Gum).  You can see what I saved as it is gray.  After that was dry I wet the paper and dropped in color letting it bleed and spread.  I used both my warm and cool reds and even mixed them together for some areas.  I used a mixed green and a mixed purple.  

I wet the paper, very wet again, and dropped in warm yellow all over.  I will wait to make changes to the background until later as I need to see what it will need.