
DAC MM Jan. & Feb. 2020

I continued adding values with white on the stem and leaves (have a little more white to do).  I added a bit more color and dark value (have quite a bit of dark and color left to do).
I started by transferring the drawing.  I then wet the paper, dropped in color, and then added salt.  I added the salt when the paint was still wet, but was starting to dry.  I started working on the skin with white, light peach, peach, and terra cotta.  I added some darks in the eyes with terra cotta, dark brown and indigo blue.  I am ignoring the texture as I work concentrating on the form of the person.  I would like some texture to show through.  I decide later how much texture will show through depending on if it works well or is distracting. I plan to add black ink on this one. 
I started by transferring the drawing.  I wet the paper and dropped in some greens, all very light (like the bottom of this piece).  While the paper was wet I used a technique called sanding (I used red brown, warm yellow, orange, and red watercolor pencils).  Sanding is when you use sand paper or a strainer to add finely ground watercolor pencil to the wet paint, it makes the fine speckle pattern. After this dried I used a variety of green watercolor pencils and shaded the darker greens on the top half of this piece.  I then added water to the shaded watercolor pencil, moving the color around. The red you see is from the sanding technique before adding the green.
Using colored pencil I worked on the reflection part of the water adding the darks and lights and some color.  I still have more to do, but it's getting there.  i also worked a little on the swan, still need more shadows on the wings and back feathers. In the water I used colors such as dark green, aquamarine, spanish orange, indigo, sacrlet lake (beak reflection), and white