
Art & Ale @ Black Creek Brewery, April and May, 2019

I worked on the start of shading the grapes.  I wet the grapes and used a mixed dark red (cool red+ purple blue+ warm yellow).  I lifted out some lighter areas.  For the shadows I wet the shadows and dropped in some of the purple, blue and a light gray (a mixed gray from 3 primaries leaning towards blue with a lot of water to make it light).

I wet the entire background working more carefully in the reflected areas.  I added a darker blue-green (mixed the blue-green and added a little red to neutralize it a bit).  I moved the brush horizontally to make water textures.  I added some lighter color to the reflected part of the swan in the water.   I mixed a black (purple blue and my warm red, sometimes a little yellow is needed to get black).  I painted the eye and around the beak and a little in the water.  I used the black I mixed, added water to get a light gray.  I started adding the light shadows to the swans head, neck and body with the very light gray.


NCBG Acrylic April, 2019

I added some more values to the flower.  I used white and a mixture of the cool red and a little black this time for the dark (could also use green to darken the red).  On the leaves I did a little more white for the lights and mixed a dark green (added some red to the mixed green to darken and neutralize the green a little).  After dry I glazed some blue and yellow and red to the leaves.

Acrylic on a canvas prepped with black gesso.  I used white to do a value study.  I need to finish the white.  I glazed some color (a little early) to show you what that will start looking like.  Concentrate on the white paint and values for now.


Art & Ale Watercolor, April 2019

The color is not correct because it was taken inside with my phone.  This shows the first pass.  Wet the paper and drop in warm yellow.  make sure the paper is very wet and the color is on the light side.  To see closer to the correct color and value look at the photo below.

For the second pass I used a cool red.  I wet the grapes and stem and dropped in the color. 
The color is not correct because it was taken inside with my phone.  This shows the first pass.  Wet everything but the swan. Drop in turquoise color (made with cool yellow and green blue).  Put it in using a horizontal stroke with your brush.  Make sure the paper is very wet and the color is on the medium dark side.  To see closer to the correct color and value look at the photo below.

Wet the beak and the reflection beak.  Make an orange with a warm red and a warm yellow.  Drop the orange into the beak shapes.

NCBG Acrylic April, 2019

Acrylic on paper.  I added more lights and darks and some yellow.  Need to start working on the details and refining.

Acrylic on paper.  This one is the second one I started.  I am just starting to add lights and darks.

Acrylic on canvas that is not stretched.  This started as a textured background.  I wet the canvas, dropped in the color and moved it around (I lifted the canvas and tilted it as needed and used a brush as needed).  After it was dry I determined that it was a little darker then i wanted to I did a glaze of white.  After that was dry I transferred the drawing.  I painted the local colors on the thin side (add a little water) - green on the leaves, rose on the flower and a grey brown on the branch.  After that was dry I used white to start painting the highlights.  I made a purple to start painting the darks in the middle of the flower.  Only demonstrated a small amount of that part.

Acrylic on canvas that is not stretched. This is a background made by wetting the canvas and dropping in color.  I used white to demonstrate softening an edge on the bottom of the rounded white shape.

Plastic wrap and acrylic texture on paper.  I wet the paper, dropped in color, and placed the plastic wrap on the paper scrunching it to get shapes.  Leave the plastic wrap on until it is dry.

Salt and acrylic on a canvas board.  I wet the board, dropped in color and when it was shiny but not puddles I dropped in some salt (this was sea salt).

Salt and acrylic on a canvas that is not stretched.  I wet the canvas, dropped in color and when it was shiny but not puddles I dropped in some salt (this was sea salt).

These are various textures wet on dry.  The paper is wet and I pressed things or painted with things on the dry paper.  I used a sponge in the big middle part.  I used a fan brush to do dry brush (the grass looking textures).  I used a stiff flat brush in the circular texture in the upper right.  I used a paper towel for the reddish texture on the left. 


NCBG Acrylic April, 2019

The 6 base color warm/cool color mixing palette I use for all mediums.  Remember the colors in this photo do not look as they do in person.
Demonstration piece from class.  The early part of the process is shown in 3 steps below in this post.  Here I will describe the process after the second transfer using the white transfer paper.  I started with white paint, a thinned down white glaze. I started adding the shiny parts on the strawberries and the little seeds. I then used a thinned black glaze to start adding shadows on the berries. I started adding white and black to the leaves as well, shading them.  I let it dry (does not take long) and did a thin wash of white on the top of the berries and added a little yellow.  On the stem where I added white I glazed with a thin yellow glaze (used cool yellow). This has more work, but you can see it starting to form.     

First I wet the paper and dropped in color to make a light background.  make sure the paper is very wet so the color flows.  Move the paper around to move the color. After this is dry, tape the drawing to the paper and transfer the outlines for each color.  Leave the drawing attached as we will be transferring again.

Using the local color of the subject, paint each section with the color ignoring the values (which is something I rarely say...).  I tend to paint my subjects on the dark side of the local color as this works the best for my brain.

After the paint was dry I flipped the drawing down and used white transfer paper to transfer the rest of the drawing.  Sometimes I don't transfer the rest of the drawing, I just paint the highlights and shadows and details without the drawing.  It depends on what it is...


DAC MM April & May 2019

I have worked on this to completion.  I concentrated on the values and details.  I will spend the next few weeks looking at it and making any adjustments if needed (I'm sure I will find a few here and there).

Sertoma Continuing Watercolor, March & April 2019I worked on a bunchj

I worked on a bunch of little things as requested - the windshield, a handle, a side mirror, the front chrome.  There is still a lot to do, but it's coming along.

I worked more on the head scarf and added shadows, I have a little more to do to it, but it's pretty close.  I added more shadows to the face, worked more on the nose, the mouth and worked on one eye.  For the eye I glazed in warm yellow.   After that dried I added the pupil.  After that dried I removed the masking.  I used a mixed dark (the 3 primaries) and a warm brown to add shadows.  I  worked the whites into the eye (you can see the white as it looks not worked into the eye on the unfinished eye).  I worked on the earring and removed the masking.   I added some red to parts of the background (will add more).  This still needs more darks and more details and some corrections, but it is coming along.


TN CP and MM Workshop march 2019

I have worked on this to completion.  I concentrated on the values and details.  I will spend the next few weeks looking at it and making any adjustments if needed (I'm sure I will find a few here and there).


BAL Colored pencil and watercolor pencil, March 2019

I worked more on the face (with more still left to do).  I worked on the ruffles on her shirt as well as her hair.   For the ruffles I used white, an orange and a red plus purple.  For the hair I used indigo, white, black as well as some red and green and orange.  I scribbled for the hair, the scribbling is organized to create the form of the hair.  I also worked on the arms and the background some as well.


Sertoma CW March and April 2019I added a few darks

I am in the process of refining and detailing.  I added a few small darks, still need a few more.  This is very close to complete, I will spend time staring at it to determine what it needs and then add and subtract things as needed.  This is the end process and takes a few weeks mostly just looking at it from time to time.

I added the background car in the windows, some rust on the main car and many darks.  I will continue adding darks and working on unfinished areas.

I wet the face and started dropping in colors to create brown (a warm red, blue mixture (the two blues mixed together and a warm yellow)  After it was dry I rewet the area on the cheek and around the nose and added more shadow starting to shape the nose.  I then added a warm dark for the nostril and dropped in some warm brown orange while it was wet.  I pulled the bottoom of the nostril into the shadow above the upper lip.  I wet the arm and scarf area by her neck and dropped in color, have not shaded those yet.  Wet the areas (not touching) on her head scarf and started dropping in color.