
Tennessee Mixed media 2 day workshop

Colored pencil on a medium gray (in this case Strathmore Toned gray).  I came to the workshop with this part ready to go.  This method focuses on values first using white and black (or you can use another dark such as indigo, black grape, sepia).  I build the values lightly using the side of the pencil.  Early on I keep the dark areas a little lighter so I can darken them with color.  But I get the over all value structure in place.

I then add color, lightly, over the entire piece.  In this case I used warm colors such as orange, warm yellow and a warm red.  I added the color lightly over the entire piece.  This truncates the value range, so I will need to reestablish the value range.

I have started to darken and lighten areas to reestablish the values.  There is a lot more work needed to push the color and value and to add more details (already started details on the trunk area), but the overall structure is here.

This is the demo of the first part, adding the values with black and white.

Mixed media, colored pencil over watercolor.  This started as white watercolor paper with the drawing transferred (Stonehenge Aqua 140 lb cold press).  I wet the paper and added color, splattered color, did some salt, did some sanding (see the texture handout for making the various textures with watercolor).   I did several passes of color.  After it was dry I started with a white pencil laying in the lights, building them up.  I then used a dark pencil (indigo) to add some darks.  Then I started adding some colors such as a cool red, warm and cool yellow, blue, green.  I think about these pieces as sculpting or pulling my subject out from the texture on the paper.  I use mostly values and some color to do this

I came with this in process already and demonstrated on it a little.  Wanted you to see one further in the process.

This is a slightly different version.  I started with an old abandoned watercolor painting, painted dark colors over the old painting and added some salt as well.  After it was dry I transferred the drawing and started with the white pencil.

Platic wrap texture. I wet the paper, dropped in color, and laid plastic wrap into the wet paint scrunching it until I get a look I like.  left it on until the paper was dry. 

Sanding texture.  I wet the paper, added some color, and then using a small strainer and watercolor pencils.  I rubbed the watercolor pencils in the strainer making little flecks of color on the wet paper.

Salt and splattered texture.  I wet the paper, dropped in color and splattered color.  While the paper was wet and shiny and not puddled I added sea salt and table salt (you can see the white shapes the salt made)

And example of the black and white on the medium gray paper.  On this one I decided I will finish it without color.  it has a bit more work to be done value and structure wise.

I demonstrated on this in the workshop.  This was a poured watercolor painting.  I used white, light peach, peach. terra cotta, dark brown, scarlet lake so far.  I used a cool yellow for the eye underneath.  I worked on the eye and nose and surrounding skin in the workshop.

I brought this as an example for the workshop. Colored pencil over watercolor.

I brought this as an example for the workshop.  Colored pencil over watercolor.