

I did a little feather work on the head of the bird on the right - feathers, beak, eye.

I added more darks to the face and neck, added some details, worked on the hat and added shadows to the clothes near the neck and head.  I also glazed color into the skin.  It needs more color glazing and more shadows.

I wet the background and the hat, dropped in ultramarine blue and added sea salt for the texture.  I then painted the shadows on the snowman and clothing with the ultramarine blue.  After that was dry I painted the color on the scarf and hat and nose.  I mixed a dark (3 primaries) and painted the buttons.  I had to make several passes on all the shadows and color to build it to the level shown here.  I may do a little more as far as darks and details.  Still trying to decide if I will add stick arms and holly...