
NCBG Beginning Colored Pencil (March 2016)

1. Start with Canary Yellow first using light pressure and the side of the pencil lead.  Cover the leaf and the shadow areas.

2. Pomegranate next using light pressure and the side of the pencil lead.  Cover the parts of the leaf that will be brown as well as the shadow areas.

3. Indigo Blue last using light pressure and the side of the pencil lead.  Cover the areas that will be green and the darker parts of the shadow areas.

4. Using all 3 colors, still light pressure and the side of the pencil, add more color as well as darks.

5. Using all 3 colors (especially yellow), add more layers using the side of the pencil, but with heavier pressure.  This will begin to mix the colors and cover the paper.

6. Using All 3 colors and the white pencil - darken, refine, and blend the colors. Continue adding details, and values (lights and darks). This will require heavier pressure and at times the point of the pencil.

Finished leaf (or mostly finished...) after a bit of refining and detailing with all 4 colors.  This requires heavy pressure, burnishing, and sometimes the point of the pencil.
Leaf from class demonstration.  It is of course not complete.