
Continuing Watercolor (March and April 2016)

I added some darks to the head and legs (need to do this on the reflection as well) and did a bit more detail work.  It still needs a bit more to be complete.

I worked on more petals (will they ever end...).  I demonstrated white gouache as well on here.  Quite a bit more to do before the masking can come off.

I started by wetting the top hood of the tractor.  I then dropped in a mixed brown, some red, yellow, orange and blue as well.  While it was still wet I used watercolor pencils (red, blue, and brown as well as some sand paper.  I sanded the watercolor pencil onto the wet area to get the speckled texture (it's called sanding).  For the bottom middle I wet the areas, dropped in color, and while it was wet/shiny, but not puddles, I dropped in sea salt to get the texture.  Later, after the textured area was dry, I added the dark shadow to the tire to push it back from the tractor body.  The front wheel was wet, a dark and some red dropped in - I meant to add salt, oops.