
NCBG Acrylic (November 2015)

Bubble wrap texture.  Acrylic on a canvas panel.  I wet the panel, dropped in the blue color and moved it around as needed, and laid the bubble wrap on the panel.  I usually lay something on top to hold it down, but did not in this case (therefore the uneven texture which I quite like). Then leave it to dry.

Plastic wrap texture.  Acrylic on cheap pad watercolor paper.  I wet the paper, dropped in the color and moved it around as needed, and laid the plastic wrap on moving it around and scrunching it until I get a texture I like.  Then leave it to dry.

Wax paper texture.  Acrylic on cheap watercolor paper.  I wet the paper, dropped in the color. crumpled the wax paper, laid it one top, and weighed it down.  Then let it dry.

Salt texture.  Acrylic on cheap watercolor paper.  I wet the paper, dropped in the color, and when the paper was shiny, but not a puddle, I sprinkled salt.  I sprinkled the salt in small increments as the paper in that area was the correct 'wetness'.   I kept adding salt in areas that were ready until there was enough.  If you put the salt on when the paper is too wet it starts to dissolve, sticks to the paper (you can scrape it off) and creates a different sort of texture.  If you put the salt on too late it just won't do anything.  I used two sizes of salt, a larger sea salt and fine salt.

Bubble wrap texture.  Acrylic on cheap watercolor paper.  I wet the paper, dropped in color, and placed the bubble wrap on top.  Then let it dry.  This is a different, smaller bubble wrap than the other one.

Wet in wet.  Acrylic on cheap watercolor paper.  I wet the paper and dropped in color.  This one needs another layer or two of color.

Wet in wet.  Acrylic on cheap watercolor paper.  I wet the paper and used leftover paint to create a background.  This is a good use of your leftover paint after a painting session.

Rubber Cement texture, step 1.  Acrylic on cheap watercolor paper.  I dribbled rubber cement on dry, white paper and used the brush from the bottle to make brush marks.  This well act as a resist.  After it was dry I painted a bright yellow.  This is step 1 in a 3-5 step process.