
CPSA Chapter 114 mini workshop, watercolor pencil


This is the parrot from the video.  It's a little past the middle of the process.  I have more values, color, and details to add (and subtract) as well as corrections to make.  The face and eye need a lot of work and then there will be some work on the feathers and the background as well as the beak.

This is the plastic wrap process I showed you in the video, but over a subject rather than just over color.  After finishing the dry layering process I laid out in the post below and demonstrated on the video, I wet the background (very wet), wet the parrot (a little more wet and messy then what we did on the video), and I added more color by sanding the background.  While still wet I laid the plastic wrap on the parrot and background and scrunched it.  Where the plastic touches the paper it will be darker than where the trapped air is located.

This is what it looks like after drying and after the plastic wrap is removed.  This is the point where I will use value and detail to bring the parrot forward from the texture.  It's somewhat similar to what we did in the video.  The difference is deciding what texture to leave and what detail to add.

We could not do this process today on Zoom as this took many hours to dry and a blow dryer does not help (a warm sunny day helps, but we did not have that, lol).

Keep in mind that the color shown here is not exactly the color as it looks in person.  I try to get as close as possible, but it is never exact.