
NCBG ACP August, 2021


Before class I worked on one apple, a leaf, and some branches with the colored pencil.  I went on to work on several more apples, branches, and the large leaf in class.  I did a little more work after class on the apples and big leaf.  I used white (Prismacolor white in general and for spots and Stabilo white for some spots) , carmine red, crimson red, yellow chartreuse, Spanish orange, grass green, dark green, indigo, pale vermillion, dark umber.

I focused on form, adding the subtle shadows and highlights. I also adjusted colors, added texture, added details, and worked on the edges.  I will continue doing these things with the colored pencil.  After I get closer to being finished I will study the background and decide what adjustments may be needed. 

Focus mostly on the subtle values in this piece.