
SW CP Class

This was posted in the last post.

I worked mostly on the leaves, refining them and adding details and values.  I worked on the two biggest leaves on the left side.  I used the same color - dark green, indigo, canary yellow, and white. I added true blue to the mix.  I used the stump the most for blending.  I used white to make corrections and adjust values.  Then I started adding a background.  I used indigo blue first to shape the value pattern of the background.  Then I used dark green over the top following the value pattern.  Then I used canary yellow evenly over the entire area.  Next I used the stump to blend it all together. I plan to make adjustments to the background if needed after the flower and leaves are further along. This was done during our class time.

I continued working outside of class.  I worked on some leaves and petals using the same colors and process as before. In the background you can see the layers and stages of the process.  There is indigo only on the bottom left side, then indigo with dark green on the bottom middle and bottom right side, and then a section with the yellow on top above that, and then the blended colors on the top half of the background.