
DAC CP & MM July and August, 2019

So this is very close to complete.  At the end of a piece I spend weeks looking at it and making any necessary changes.  I encourage you doing this with your own work.  Stepping back and taking a look during the process and especially at the end is very helpful.  Sometimes i put it away for awhile and get it back out for a new look.

I started layering the color over the white on her skin.  I used scarlet lake to warm it up since mine is very blue/green.  I used terra cotta as well and then peach to blend it.  I layered the colors fairly lightly.  I layered these colors all over her skin and into her head.  I used dark brown and indigo blue as well as terra cotta and scarlet lake in the shadow areas.  I used white and light peach to re lighten the lightest areas.  I will continue using the same colors in layers to get the skin where I want it to be.  Your piece has different colors so some of you will need to add slightly different ratios of the colors than I used or you may need to add a little blue or green to yours is some areas.

For the braids I used scarlet lake and terra cotaa and layered the colors on the strand of braid.  Then I took white and made alternating light spots down the braid.  I used indigo in between these dots to make the crease in the middle of the braid and partially around the white spots.  The I layered some spanish orange and red over the white spots to give it some color.

Each of you will have a different look to your piece.  You can decide what to do or leave out as you work.  Some of you have lovely pieces that do not need to be finished with "skin" colors.