
BAL Mixed Media, March 2019

I added "sky holes" and worked on adding darks and lights to the palm fronds as well as color.  I am continuing to shape the fronds as well.  I worked on the trunk adding darks and lights as well as color and texture.

This is the under drawing.  First I shaded the piece with watercolor pencils (I used Derwent Inktense). I used a red, yellow, blue, and green.  Then I wet the areas I had shaded.  While it was wet I sanded the piece with watercolor pencils and sand paper and a strainer.

After it was dry I started working with Prismacolor colored pencils.  I started with white and added the highlights.  I then worked on an eye, the nose and the mouth.  I will work on the other eye, the ear and face next class especially for those who missed class.  I will work on fabric and hair as well.  So far I have used white, peach, light peach, terra cotta, dark brown, indigo, cadmium orange, scarlet lake as well as peacock green in the background.  I will add other colors as needed.