
BAL Mixed Media, March 2019

I added "sky holes" and worked on adding darks and lights to the palm fronds as well as color.  I am continuing to shape the fronds as well.  I worked on the trunk adding darks and lights as well as color and texture.

This is the under drawing.  First I shaded the piece with watercolor pencils (I used Derwent Inktense). I used a red, yellow, blue, and green.  Then I wet the areas I had shaded.  While it was wet I sanded the piece with watercolor pencils and sand paper and a strainer.

After it was dry I started working with Prismacolor colored pencils.  I started with white and added the highlights.  I then worked on an eye, the nose and the mouth.  I will work on the other eye, the ear and face next class especially for those who missed class.  I will work on fabric and hair as well.  So far I have used white, peach, light peach, terra cotta, dark brown, indigo, cadmium orange, scarlet lake as well as peacock green in the background.  I will add other colors as needed.


I added shadows to the legs and the body of the bird.  I have a few more shadows to add to the body around the wing area especially and the front foot and leg.  I added shadows, white gouache, and detail to the head and beak and worked on the eye. It's getting close, but needs a little more work.

I worked on the tire, added the roof and worked on a headlight.  I will add more next class. This one will take all 5 classes.

I transferred the drawing and masked the whites in the eyes and on the earrings.  I then wet the paper and dropped in my purple blue, a mixture of my two reds (warm and cool together) and my warm yellow.  Use whatever colors you wish to use.  I then moved the paper around letting the colors flow together some.  Keep this light - use LOTS of water


Jackson, TN Colored Pencil and Mixed Media 2 day workshop March 2019

Watercolor under painting.  This photo is washed out a bit.  It was taken with my phone in not ideal lighting.

The start of white and black Pen & Ink as well as colored pencil. This photo is washed out a bit.  it was taken with my phone in not ideal lighting.

More pen & ink and colored pencil.

Getting close, still need some work in the hair and teaks elsewhere.

BAL Mixed Media

I used watercolor pencils and added more dark into the trunk and leaves.  My first couple of passes were too light for my taste.  I find adding colored pencil to a medium to dark surface to be a quicker process. 

I used some white and black pen & ink to add some value and texture.  I started organizing the darks and lights, added "sky holes" (more needed) and started working on the trunk all with colored pencil.

I added more white to the bird.  Need to add some of the shadows.  I worked on the legs adding color and value.  They still need some darks.  I added the shadow below the bird to ground the bird.  I also added some warm yellow to the ground as well.  I added more light and dark to the beak and head.  I used purple to darken around areas of the bird.


Jackson, TN Colored Pencil and Mixed Media 2 day workshop March 2019

Colored pencil on a clue-green mat board.  I started with white and did a value study first.  Then I added the color.  I used peacock blue, aquamarine, white, spanish orange, peach, black, burnt ochre, coppenhagen blue.  I work in light layers building the color and value.   I press hard towards the end if needed.  I work on the whole piece building it up.  In class I work in smaller areas for demonstration purposes.

Mixed media on watercolor paper. We used Winsor & Newton cold press 140 lb., but I use many brands, sometimes hot press and sometimes 300 pound.  This was taken with a different camera in different light than the next photo so there will be variations in color and value.  This was the piece after I had done the watercolor background (wet the paper, did some sanding with watercolor pencils and dropped in some salt - see texture handout for more instructions).  Then I started working on values with pen & ink - both a white and black pen using scumbling and pointillism/stippling.  I could finish this with the pen&ink at this point and not add colored pencil as it's a nice piece.

This has more pen&ink and some colored pencil.  So far I have used white, terra cotta, black, scarlet lake, peach, true blue.  I may add more color and definitely need more values/contrast and details. But it's coming along.

For this mixed media I did watercolor first, pen & ink second and colored pencil last. 

Sertoma CW March & April 2019

I started shading the Ibis.  I used purple and yellow similar to what I used on the background.  I worked mostly wet in wet.  I also worked on the legs (still need a few more shadows on the legs and feet).  At the same time as the legs and feet I added the shadow underneath the bird.  I used purple and orange on the shadow under the bird.  The shadow needs a few more dark areas.  I will work on adding darks and some details next class.  Should be able to finish this one next class. 

I wet the front grass area up into the wheels and dropped in green and a little yellow.  I wet and dropped in the blue and orange  on more car panels.  I worked on the grill and bumper, the first pass was to wet the entire grill and bumper dropping in light color - blue and brown.  Then on the second pass I added some of the dark spaces and I worked on the bottom right rust and started one of the four parts on the bumper that stick out (not sure what to call them).  I also added light color to the headlights.  Will work on one next class.  I will also need to add shadows and highlights to the car panels I dropped color into.


Sertoma CW March & April 2019

I started this by transferring the drawing first and then wet the background and over the back leg that is in shadow. I dropped in color - a purple I mixed (ultramarine and quin. rose) along with permanent yellow deep.  While it was wet I did sanding with watercolor pencils and added some salt.  Later I went gently over the background with water a brush.  I also softened the edges of the bird with water and a brush.  I will work on this starting wet and getting more dry as I go on.

I started this one by transferring the drawing first. Then I will work section by section wet-on-wet and fairly pigmented. I started on the trees in the background and windows.  Then I mixed a dark color using 3 primaries. I used pthalo blue, quin. rose, and permanent yellow deep.  Then I did the front panel of the car.  I used pthalo blue and ultramarine mixed for the blue.  I used pyrrol scarlet (warm red) for the rust.  I wet the paper and dropped in the blue paying attention to the values.  I then dropped in the red and dotted the red with a little blue.  Then while it was still wet I did a little sanding with orange and brown watercolor pencils.  


BAL Colored pencil and Watercolor Pencil, March 2019

I started this with a blank piece of very wet paper.  I added color from the tip of the watercolor pencils, by splattering and by sanding (using a small grater I ran the watercolor pencil in the grater that was held over the wet paper letting the little speckles fall onto the wet paper).  After it dried I transferred the drawing and started with a white colored pencil paying attention the the values (I did a small area for demonstration purposes).

For this one I transferred the drawing first.  I shaded on dry paper with the watercolor pencils.   I then wet it with water.  I used water to pull some of the color into the background and used splattering and salt to make texture.  I may do a little more color with the watercolor pencils before using the colored pencils.