
BAL Mixed Media May 2018

I worked on the eye area, a little on the ear and mouth.  This needs a little more value and detail work.  Just remember, the values, the lights and darks, are important!  Values, values, values!

I started this piece with cream and white paying attention to the values.  I then used a little indigo in the darkest areas (be careful with the indigo, another dark such as black grape is easier).  I usually do several layers of white and build them up.  Then I added peach using the side of the pencil.  I added it lightly at this point over the white.  Then I used terra cotta (colors like burnt ochre or sienna work as well) and started adding some darker areas.  I added dark brown to make some areas darker and indigo in the darkest areas  I add the dark colors in layers and often used peach or something lighter over the darks in the middle layers (this helps blend and unify the colors).  So I often go back and forth light to dark to light to dark again in some areas.   For the light areas I used cream, white, peach and light peach adding these in layers.  White will be added at the end in the very lightest areas.  The nose needs some help as I lost one of the nostrils, ooppss.  It needs some reshaping as well.  This whole is at the beginning and needs a lot more value and detail work.