
Sertoma CW March and April 2018

POURING.  This is the magnolia after a few pours.  I started by wetting the paper with a spray bottle and pouring on the color (reddish purples and blue).  I then sprayed the white flower part to lighten it further since I did not use any masking.  I let the first pour dry and then poured a second time following the same procedure (I poured this time with green and warm yellow).  

I wet the top background part of the painting and drooped in a green near the edge of the flower allowing the color to move out and away from the flower.  This is negative painting behind the flower to define the flower.  I also started painting a few leaves at the bottom, one with green and yellow and the other with red brown and yellow.

WET-ON-DRY.  I started wet on dry using very light color.  I painted loosely.  I used 2 mixed browns (one warm and one cool brown).  I also added some warm yellow (quin. cold) and some blue (ultramarine) as well as my warm red (pyrrol scarlet).  I made 2 passes with light color allowing it to dry in between.

I used the cool brown and some blue on the head to start painting a feather texture.  I used the brown and blue on the eyes and some blue and brown around the eyes.  I then did part of a wing on the left and started the tail.  I also did a section under the beak using an up and down scribble motion to make the feathers.  I jump around on these class pieces because it's a demonstration painting.  I say this (often) because at home I work on the painting all over building it up as a unit.  I cannot do that in class demos due to time constraints. I want to make sure you understand that when you are working on yours.