
BAL Watercolor Jan. 2018

I removed the masking.  I added yellow to the bottom leaf section.  I wet and softened some of the color on the flower part with water and a soft brush.  I then worked on the middle brown stem part of the painting. I then moved to the top, wet around the flower, and dropped in 2 greens and some red.  I moved around and down behind the leaves.  Then I let everything dry.  Next I used a scrubber brush to straighten up the edges of the flower and to lift highlights from the brown stem part. When the flower was dry I used a mixed purple to shade the flower petals (need to shade a few areas more).  I added some green darks on the leaves and scrubbed out some highlights.  I have more of this to do to "bend" the leaves.  I also added some brown to some of the leaves. 

I worked more on the background with blue and salt.  I used masking to make hay pieces under the hat and around the head of the scarecrow.  I dampened (less wet then when I wet the surface) a sunflower and added orange and a warm yellow as well as green on the backside.  After things dried I wet the leaf areas, dropped in color (orange, green, purple, yellow) and put plastic wrap over it and scrunched the plastic wrap.  This makes a leaf like texture.