
NCBG IEW October & November 2017

I added dark to the right side before class.

I used this to show using a scubbie brush (vein on front leaf) and gouache (lightened the brown leaf on the right, plan to glaze it with color and added a highlight to the front leaf).

Worked on the leaves, pear and branches adding color and values.  Done before class.

Scrubbed out the branches and added some on the leaves and the back pear making some areas lighter.  Added some red and dark to the bottom of the pear and on the left side.  Showed some texture on the back pear.
Started adding some texture to the leaves and more darks to the shadow areas before class in the area on the upper left so that during class I can remove the masking and show how to "reattach" the masking areas to the painting.  

I demonstrated the texture on the leaves - scribbling/scumbling with various greens ranging from yellow green to blue green.  I added more darks to the shadows.  I removed the masking.  The first step to reattach it is to run over the masking areas with a watercolor brush and water.  I often use a paper towel as well to lift the excess water and color.  Then I used light glazes to color and/or texture some of the white areas.  I also darkened a few areas that are in shadow.  There are areas, especially the veins, that still need some shadows in order to lay them down onto the cabbage.

Reminder - On all demos I work on only parts of the painting for demonstration and time purposes.  If I were working on a piece at home I would build the entire piece up as i was working.

I started this at home so that I could demonstrate adding a background.  The first step was to wet the paper and add some color (a green mixture of blue green and yellow green)  It was done upright so the paint would move down.  I covered everything and then used a dry paper towel to life out some light areas at the top of the asparagus.  I started shading the artichoke with the same color mixtures.  I made areas darker by adding several layers of color (letting each layer dry).

I demonstrated the background on the left side.  First I wet the paper and dropped in color.  Then I added sea salt.  After it was dry I used rich green gold (a yellow green) and glazed.  in the very upper left I glazed with some red.  I aslo used the same red on a few areas of the artichoke.  I will continue by finishing the background and then adding more form and details to the artichoke.