
Sertoma Painting People in watercolor (July and August 2017)

Worked more on skin adding more shadow.  Worked on the hair as well. adding dark and texture.  Started work on the shirt.  It still needs more work, but getting closer to complete.

Added some glazing to the dark, need to add more (will do this at home and post a photo).  Painted color on the cello.  Need to do the hair and strings as well as detail and more shadows.

Pouring.  I put masking on the lightest areas and then poured with light color.  I then put more masking on the next lightest areas and poured another light layer.  I will pour 1 or 2 more at home and take photos and post them.  That way it will be dry and I can remove the masking and start painting in class.  The spotted parts are pieces of pigment that had settled in the jar.  Not sure if they will stay or not.