
BAL CP Animals

Colored pencil on colourfix sanded pastel paper.  Started with white and cream which is usually what I do when working on a medium to dark surface.  Then I used terra cotta (sienna brown would work as well), dark brown, black (in the middle of and around the eye), yellow chartreuse (eye), peacock blue (eye - true blue would work as well).  I need to finish the white and cream (Outside of a demonstration I would normally do this before adding fur colors and color on the eye) 

Colored pencil on Borden & Riley Denril Vellum paper (or you can use Dura-Lar matte paper).  Black on the black and white side.  Shade with black and add white as needed to this side.  I finish shading this side before flipping it over, erasing the pencil lines and adding color to the color side (which I will do next week).

Colored pencil on sanded and colourfix pastel paper.  I started with cream and white.  I typically use white or cream or some other light color first when working on a medium to dark colored surface.  I then used terra cotta, sienna brown, dark brown, true blue, black, spanish orange (on the eye after white was put down first).

Colored pencil on colourfix sanded surface.  Used the same list of colors and worked more on adding form, value, and fur texture (terra cotta, dark brown, white, cream, canary yellow, spanish orange, black, true blue).  The front part is close or finished.  Behind his ears was just started and needs work.

Colored pencil on Colourfix Sanded pastel paper.  Sticking with the same palette we've been using I worked mostly on the left side of the drawing, behind the ears.  I did a little to the front of the wolf adding color, fur texture, and values as needed, refining it more.  On the left side there is a line that is too straight that needs correcting (upper/middle left side).  It's not dark which is good, but it's too straight.  I added indigo to the background to make it a little darker and to cover some stray pencil marks that would not come off.