
NCBG ICP November 2016

I worked more on the middle adding shadow, highlight, and texture.  I worked on the middle petal.

I added a dark background and melted it.  After melting I started working on top refining it with light and dark areas.  I worked on a few leaves as well as the center.  A reminder that it looks disjointed for demonstration/educational purposes so I can show you things in smaller areas. 
This is the black grape (or whatever dolor you used) value study side.

This is the Black Grape/Value Study study side after some color has been applied to the other side.

This is the color side after some Black grape has been added to the other side.

This is the color side.  Typically I would finish the value study side before adding color (except for some color tests as needed).  But for demonstration/educational purposes I did not.  On the leaves I used yellow chartreuse first with true blue over the top.  I made 4 very light passes of these colors.  For the petals I first put down a light layer of cadmium orange hue and then a light layer of crimson red.  I then used Black grape on the darkest parts. On the middle I put a light layer of true blue and added some of the other colors, lightly, around the outside of the middle (crimson and cad orange).  Then I used indigo and dark brown to make a dark, you can see it at the top right edge of the middle section.  Remember that this surface takes less layers than many other surfaces.