
NCBG IEW, October 2016

Transfer the drawing and mask out the lightest areas.  The paper is taped to a board for support.

Sprayed the paper with water.  Poured with red, orange, and yellow,  very light color mixed with water in a small jar.

Did another round of masking in the next lightest areas and allowed this to dry.  Sprayed the paper with water.  Poured yellow green, blue green, and yellow in specific areas.  Can use a pipette here if you wish.

Sprayed the paper with water. Poured using red, orange, and yellow in specific areas.  Can use a pipette here if you wish. 

Started painting areas with a watercolor brush.  Have not removed the masking yet, that will come after the first round of direct painting.
Finished the direct painting, removed the masking, started incorporating and softening the white/light areas after the masking is removed.  Still quite a bit to be incorporated/fixed.  I find that when I use masking I must make adjustments after I remove the masking.  I can soften many areas with a damp watercolor brush.  Just paint over the area with the damp brush and it is softened.  Other areas must be painted a color or painting must be done around the area.  This also still needs value adjustments, shadows, details, and refinement as well as the masking fixes.