
Sertoma Mixed Media (October, November, December 2015)

Gouache on canvas prepped with black gesso.  I started with just white gouache painting the values and textures by using water and white gouache.  I added a little yellow to the tail (with watercolor, I am not fond of the color).  Usually I wait a day or two for the white gouache to dry before adding color on top.  I need to finish the white, allow it to dry, and then add color and detail.

Acrylic on canvas prepped with black gesso.  I first painted some white acrylic on the petals.  Then I painted the color over the entire flower and on the leaves.  I will add more highlights and shadows as well as color and details.

If I decided to add colored pencil to these I would add clear gesso first (Liquitex or another brand).  For the gouache I would first spray the piece with a clear acrylic spray before applying the gesso so that the gouache stays put.  After it dried I would gently apply the clear gesso.  For the acrylic you can just add the clear gesso after the acrylic painting is dry.