
Sertoma Continuing Watercolor (October, November, December 2015)

I worked on this a little.  I worked on some of the fish mostly.

I worked on this quite a bit.  I have added leaves, values, and details.  It could be done, but I may add dark values in places.

Sertoma Mixed Media (October, November, December 2015)

I added a flower and worked on the wings.  Needs more work to make it pop, but it's getting close.

I worked on the values and details, still need to work on the top leaves.

This one is pretty far.  Need to work on the background textures is close, but needs a bit more.

I worked on this a little more.  I added values and details.  I even highlighted and shadowed some bubbles so they would have more form.  This one is done and heading to Mom for Christmas.


Sertoma Continuing Watercolor (October, November, December 2015)

I worked more on adding more leaves and more values and details to the ones already started.  I added more darks as well and more detail to the pod area.  I scrubbed off a section of the brown leaf to demonstrate scrubbing in order to lighten an area.   It is coming along, but there is a lot left to do.

I added some blue green to push parts of the fish underwater more.  I added some dark water textures (need more).  I need to finish the fish and work on the water.  it's coming along well, but needs more work.

Sertoma Mixed Media (October, November, December 2015)

Gouache on canvas prepped with black gesso.  I started with just white gouache painting the values and textures by using water and white gouache.  I added a little yellow to the tail (with watercolor, I am not fond of the color).  Usually I wait a day or two for the white gouache to dry before adding color on top.  I need to finish the white, allow it to dry, and then add color and detail.

Acrylic on canvas prepped with black gesso.  I first painted some white acrylic on the petals.  Then I painted the color over the entire flower and on the leaves.  I will add more highlights and shadows as well as color and details.

If I decided to add colored pencil to these I would add clear gesso first (Liquitex or another brand).  For the gouache I would first spray the piece with a clear acrylic spray before applying the gesso so that the gouache stays put.  After it dried I would gently apply the clear gesso.  For the acrylic you can just add the clear gesso after the acrylic painting is dry.


NCBG Acrylic (November 2015)

 I started adding color to the flower petals.  Worked a little on the leaves.


Sertoma Continuing Watercolor (October, November, December 2015)

I started working on the dark areas, the leaves, and the seed pods.  I am basically doing some negative painting on the areas behind the leaves as week as painting the leaves and pods.  I work in an area and then move to another area to work allowing the first to dry.  I used indigo, a mixed dark, a mixed green, and a mixed brown mostly.

I worked more on the fish of course adding value and color as well as details.  I also broke up the large masking shapes as needed using them to make water shapes.


Sertoma Mixed Media (October, November, December 2015)

Acrylic textured background, liquitex clear gesso, and a transferred drawing.  I plan to shade the flower with colored pencil.

Watercolor textured background.  I started shading with colored pencil.  First I used white to shade, then pomegranate, true blue, and indigo.  On the leaf I used white, dark green, and canare yellow plus a little true blue.

This is alcohol ink on translucent yupo.

Plexiglass, liquitex clear gesso on the front, Daniel Smith transparent watercolor ground on the back.  I worked on the hair mostly using white and black plus sienna.  I added highlights and shadows and texture.