
Continuing Watercolor (January and February 2015

I added the tongue (and later scrubbed to fix the tongue), added the bottom jaw, and started adding details.  I showed you how to add highlights with gouache and with a scrubber.  He is getting close but needs a bit more as far as values and details.

I added more of the gray to the plate and background (still a little more to do).  If this were not a demo piece I would have finished the value study before adding color.  Sometimes I stop at the value study as my finished piece.  I added the bronze color (burnt sienna and a bit of red, you may need a little yellow as well).  I paid attention to the values when adding the bronze.  I dropped in yellow and red on the coffee press.  It needs more value and color work.  I wet and floated in the bronze color on the plate as well.

I started by taping down my drawing.  I made registration marks at the top (they go onto the drawing as well).  This is so I can re-align the drawing later if needed.  I transferred the pear shapes and a few of the main branches.  I removed the drawing and drizzled a little rubber cement onto the paper.  After it was dry I wet the paper around the pears and dropped in yellow and green keeping it light.  The pears do have rubber cement on them, but since I did not add water the color did not go there (I did not want the rubber cement textures on the pears).  The next step will be to drizzle more rubber cement, allow to dry, wet the paper and drop in more yellow, green and possible some blue.  I plan to do about 3-5 layers, avoiding coloring the pears at this point.