
Continuing Watercolor (Jan. & Feb. 2014)

I worked more on the water drops and the hair.  I softened a few shadows under the glasses softly with a brush and water and paper towel.  I added a few more darks to the hair.  I worked on the ear a bit adding shadows.  I will keep picking away at the water drops until I don't want to anymore, but this is close to complete.

I started with yellow (aureolin) on the flower part dropping a little orange (aureolin and rose) on the ends of the back petals.  I then moved to the stem wetting it first and then using green (pthalo and aureolin) and maroon (rose and a little pthalo green).  I then did the leaves at the base of the flower putting in green, maroon on the tips and some edged, and yellow in the middle.  I used orange to tint and detail the front petals on the flower. I added dots of texture to the stem.  Later I wet the background and dropped in green (pthalo and aureolin) and indigo.  I used more water to make the colors more transparent on the bottom background.  Some of the green got into the stem so I will need to redo some of the red.