
Orchid photos

Continuing Watercolor (May/June 2013)

I started working on the petals.  I wet just the petal I was working on, dropped in the color (paying attention the the values).  I skipped around on petals, not working on any side by side.  I mixed an orange (rose and new gamboge) and added it to the center.  I worked on a water drop (it's all about the light and darks).  I then mixed a dark (I used pthalo green and rose) and a medium green as well (pthalo and rose, but less rose).  I wet an area and dropped in the dark.  I did the dark to show you where this will go, but this can be done after the first pass of color and value is complete or near the end of the painting.

I worked a little more on the feathers on the body and added more blue feathers to the back and the wings.

I worked with white gouache adding whiskers, white hairs, and making the edges of the body less hard edged and more textured/soft.

Aqueous Acrylics (May/June 2013)

The background was done with burnt sienna, magenta, black, primary blue.  I wet the surface, dropped in the color, placed plastic wrap on top, allowed it to dry.  I transferred the drawing and painted the petals with a yellow and white mixture (a thin layer).

I added some feathers, wrinkles, and hairs to the face as well as a few feathers on the body and wings as needed.

I worked on the windshield, added dark in the grill as well as white, added color to a few areas that had none, and sponged in the bottom vegetation.

I transferred the drawing, wet the clothes areas and a little background outside the clothes areas, dropped in transparent/thin color (burnt sienna and yellow oxide for the scarf and apron, blue for the shirt), placed plastic wrap on top, allowed it to dry.

Tuesday Morning

Acrylic.  I added a red glaze to the background.  I painted a yellow and white mixture to the petals and a light green misture to the stem and leaves.  It needs more values.

Colored pencil over watercolor.  I worked more on the petals with white, canary yellow, and scarlet lake.  I added green and yellow and white to the stem and leaves.  I added dark to the middle of the flower (indigo, scarlet lake, black).  I need to darken the background around the flower to pop the flower.


Continuing Watercolor (May/June 203)

I wet the background, dropped in color (rose with a little cobalt) and as it was drying dropped in water to make the blossom textures.

I worked more on the feathers on the yellow part.  I wet the yellow area, added new gamboge and then a rose and new gamboge mixture where I want the feathers to be.  Next I will add feather shapes as well.

I worked on adding texture to the fur, added some whiskers (need to add more with white gouache) and started adding stripes and some of the large dark areas on the tiger's body.

Aqueous Acrylics (May/June 2013)

Blown paint texture.  I aded a small puddle of thinned acrylic and used a straw to blow the paint in various directions.  I started with red, then yellow, then the dark blue.  I would like to continue adding more color and texture.

Bubble wrap texture.  I wet the paper, dropped in color, placed the bubble wrap on top, placed a book to hold it down, and allowed it to dry.

Various textures.  I wet the paper and put down a dark blue color.  I allowed this to dry and then used various sponges and bubble wrap dipped in paint (a light beige color) and pressed onto the paper.  I allowed this to dry and added yellow and red glazes.

I have added many details and darks as well as lights to the parrot.

Plastic wrap texture.  I wet the paper, dropped in color, and placed the plastic wrap on top moving it to the shapes I want.  I allowed it to dry before removing.

I added a few highlights.

Wax paper texture.  I wet the paper, dropped in color, crumpled the wax paper, pressed it onto the paper, put books on top, and allowed it to dry before removing.


Photos for classes

Tuesday Afternoon

Watercolor.  I put in the background first.  I wet it and dropped in greens and yellows.  I added the pinks into the dark areas of the flower.  I also worked on the bottom 'stem' area.

Acrylic.  I worked more on the truck adding darks, lights, and details.  I also started adding texture to the bottom where I will then paint grass over the top (this will take quite a few layers.

Tuesday Morning

Acrylic.  I wet the paper, dropped in color, placed bubble wrap on top, placed a book on it until it was dry.  Then I painted the flower over the background.  This has quite a bit of work still.

Acrylic.  I added the flower and painted details on one of the dandelions.

Colored pencil.  I worked on the flower a little.

Acrylic Bubble Wrap texture.  I wet the paper, dropped in color, placed the bubble wrap on top, put a book on it to hold it down until it was dry.

Watercolor Bubble Wrap texture.  I wet the paper, dropped in color, placed the bubble wrap on top, put a book on it to hold it down until it was dry.

Colored pencil.  I used a watercolor bubble wrap texture and have started working with colored pencil on top.


Continuing Watercolor (May/June 2013)

I worked on the wrinkles (mixed a dark red color, painted a line and softened it with water), and the feathers on the parrots face (remember to make the feathers with water and then drop in a dark color).   I mixed a light gray (lots of water makes it light) and painted the hairs.  I added blue feathers by painting textures for the feathers.  I wet the orange area under the wing and dropped in red and yellow and pulled out the edges to look like feathers.  On the body I painted red lines and softened them with yellow (new gamboge).  I painted the feathers by his face with a dark and gray as well as yellow.  I pulled the feather lines out.

I softened the edges of the body with water and a brush.  I then started adding darks and details to the face.  I used an orange, burnt sienna, and a dark brown mixture and put the shadow near the eye and onto the nose.  I then painted some of the black shapes and ears and around the eye.  I will paint the hairs and whiskers with white gouache.  You can also save your white hairs with masking fluid.

Aqueous Acrylics (May/June 2013)

I added color paying attention to my light and dark values.  I used burnt sienna, red, pthalo blue & green, white, ultramarine,  black, and hansa yellow.  I dropped the color in and let some of it mingle on the surface.  It still needs lights and darks as well as details.


Tuesday Afternoon

Acrylic.  The background was done with a gray canvas panel.  I applied several greens on top and put plastic wrap over the top to create the texture.  After it was dry I removed the plastic wrap and transferred the drawing.  I then painted the white areas, started adding color (I mixed a turquoise and white and a burnt sienna, red, and white).  I used two mixed colors, yellow and white in the colored areas (the white for highlights).  I then added black to the dark areas.

Tuesday Morning

Colored pencil.  I worked a lot on the background and still need to improve the flower (flat and ugly...).  Need to finish the butterfly of course.


Photos from various classes

Continuing Watercolor (May/June 2013)

On the initial pass, I transferred the drawing, wet the paper, dropped in color and added salt when it was wet, shiny but not a puddle.  The colors I used first were cobalt, aureolin yellow, sap mixed with yellow, permanent rose, and a tiny bit of indigo.  After it was dry (or mostly dry) I mixed a dark with indigo, sienna brown, and rose.  I painted the eye and the beak, paying attention to the lights and darks.  I also painted a few feathers with the dark and a little rose.  I added some feathers with an orange mix and new gamboge..  I used sap mixed with new gamboge and pthalo blue mixed with pthalo green (for the turquoise) to paint the head.

On the initial pass, I transferred the drawing, wet the paper on the tiger only, dropped in color and added salt when it was wet, shiny but not a puddle.  The colors I used first were rose and new gamboge mixed  and separate as well as some burnt sienna.  After this dried I wet the background and dropped in color - a sap and new gamboge mix and turquoise made from pthalo green and pthalo blue.