
Sertoma, CW, Nov & Dec, 2012

Watercolor.  First I added the mixed skin color, very wet, to the face and then the hands.  I used permanent/quinacridone rose and new gamboge and used burnt sienna as shading.  Next I wet (damp, not puddled) the skirt area and used a mixture of burnt sienna and indigo as well as burnt sienna and indigo separately.  I floated the colors in.  I used the same colors from the skirt for the hair.  Next, I wet the shirt (damp, not puddled) and used a mixture of new gamboge and burnt sienna.  I did the same to the kerchief.

Watercolor.  I worked on the muzzle and parts of the harness and added detail and shadow as needed.    I lifted some whites out and used gouache for other whites.