
Colored pencil (Linda's class)

Colored pencil, dark pencil on white paper.  I used a dark umber pencil (it is showing up as black - the photo was taken in the early morning and did not record the color correctly, it is very 'blue').  I concentrated on the dark values.

This is the hawk after a few layers of color on top of the dark umber value study.   I added mostly pomegranate, true blue, sienna brown, canary yellow.  I quickly demonstrated a dark background in front of the beak (dark umber with layers of true blue and canary).  The background could easily be kept light rather than dark (your choice).

Colored pencil, light pencil on black paper.  I used a white pencil.  I concentrated on the light values.

This is the hawk after a few layers of color on top of the white value study.   I added mostly pomegranate, true blue, sienna brown, canary yellow, indigo, dark brown, and a little black.

**All the drawings are in the beginning stages.  I will continue adding color, paying attention to the darks and lights (refining the values as needed), and adding/refining details as I go.

The photo used in class