
Zoom Mixed Media September, 2021

This was before I started video 3a&b (the camera splits one video into 2 parts after a certain length).

You will notice as it gets to the end the changes made are not as noticeable.  They are the tiny details.  I worked on seeds mostly as well as some leaf edges, a tiny bit in the background  and on the edges of the strawberry as well as the highlight area.  Not sure how much more if any I will do. Still unsure about the hairs...


Zoom Mixed Media September, 2021


This is how it looked after the Zoom video last Friday (which is when I rolled my office chair over it, lol).

After Strawberry Video 1a & 1b.  I worked mostly on the leaves and background and a little on the strawberry. 

After Strawberry video 2.  I worked mostly on the strawberry and a little on the leaves.


Zoom Mixed Media September, 2021

This is the pelican after the Zoom class.  I still have work, especially on the background. But this is very far along.

The colors used on the pelican - white, cream, 50% grey (cool), black, indigo, crimson lake, canary yellow, spanish orange, olive green, peacock blue, aquamarine, cobalt turquoise, light aqua. 

This is the strawberry after class.  This needs a quite a bit more work as you can see.  

Notice the lines through the background.  I ran over it while it was wet with my office chair, lol.  I know I can fix it as it's happened before.  

The colors of colored pencil I am using on the strawberry - permanent red, crimson lake, scarlet lake, white, black, canary yellow, yellow chartreuse, spanish orange, dark green , grass green, indigo 



Zoom Mixed Media September, 2021


Photo of the strawberry after the watercolor pencil under drawing/painting.  I will need to add a background as you can see...

Pelican example.  This one is 100% watercolor pencil (Winsor & Newton).  So this one is not the same process as our pelican.

The pelican from class after the first layer of the background and then watercolor and watercolor pencil on the pelican to add darks and color.  This is the underpainting/drawing.  We will be adding lights next week as well as details and more darks and color as needed.

 Video Zoom Classes Available:

The following pre-recorded Zoom video classes are available.  Each Zoom class consists of 2 sessions/videos.  You choose which classes you are interested in and pay for only those. Send your order to Kate Lagaly @katelagalyartclasses@gmail.com.  List the video(s) you want by the subject matter, example -  the zebra, flower, and mushrooms). You will then receive an email with payment instructions.  Once payment is received and Kate processes the order, you will be sent video link(s) and handout link(s).

Watercolor Pencil​,​ Zebra​ ​- ​$35

Watercolor Pencil, Cherries - $35

​Watercolor and White Gouache, Flower - $45

Watercolor and White Gouache, Dog - $45


Colored Pencil, Iris - $35

Colored pencil, Hawk - $35

Mixed Media, Mushrooms - $45



Kate's Classes

 2021 Workshops



At the Art of the Carolinas

For more information or to register 

go to https://www.artofthecarolinas.com/ 

Painted Colored Pencil - Speeding up the Process Using a Solvent


Thursday, November 11

From 5 - 8 pm

The Best of Both Worlds: Working with Winsor & Newton

 Studio Collection Colour Pencils and Watercolour Pencils


Saturday, November 12

From 9 am - 4 pm

Colored Pencil – Creating Skin Tones and Layering Color 

over a Value Drawing


Saturday, November 13

From 5-8 pm

Summer & Fall Classes 2021

In-Person and Zoom Classes

Zoom classes with Kate Lagaly

For information and registration 

Email Carolyn at Carolyn_Langley@ncsu.edu

Mixed Media: Colored Pencil over Watercolor and WC Pencil

Zoom Class

Fridays, September 17 and 24

From 10 am - 12:30 pm

Mixed Media: Colored Pencil over Watercolor and Pen & Ink

Zoom Class

Fridays, October 15 and 22

From 10 am - 12:30 pm

At the North Carolina Botanical Garden

100 Old Mason Farm Rd, Chapel Hill, NC  

Go to -  http://ncbg.unc.edu/register 

(click LEARN near the top, 

from the drop down menu choose ADULT PROGRAMS,

 on the page click View and Register for Classes)

Intermediate Expressive watercolor

In-Person Class

Wednesdays, October 6, 13, 20, 27

From 1:15 - 4:45