
A&A W J&F, 2019

I mixed a dark neutral (3 primaries).  i took a bit of the neutral and added a lot of water to make it lighter. I wet the cow around the spots and dropped in the neutral color and guided it around.  While it was still wet I dropped in some red as well.  I wet and dropped in the light color for the small cow in the back. 

I worked on the wing.  I wet the area and added the neutral in lines in the direction of the feathers.  I added some red as well.  It still needs more darks.  I wet the posts at the bottom and added many colors in a vertical pattern.  I did not mix them with the brush, I dropped them while holding the paper upright so they would run.  I wet the beak and added the neutral color and red.  Later I came back and added white gouache.  I added yellow to the head.  Later I came and shaded it with white gouache.

DAC MM J&F, 2019

On the head an flipper I used white, terra cotta (burnt sienna will also work), black cherry (black grape or indigo will also work).  On the shell I used the colors mentioned and also added a little grass green and pomegranate.  I added some peacock blue to darken the water around around the head.  Make sure when you do this that the color graduates outward, don't make an outline or halo.  Focus on the values, the lights, mediums and darks, make sure your turtles, especially the heads and front flippers, "pop".  I will demo more on the turtles next class especially for those who missed class. 

On the green pepper I used white, grass green, dark green, peacock blue, indigo, yellow chartreuse and a little scarlet lake in the dark area.  I layered these according to the value I needed.  I usually put down darks in the shadows, layer a lighter color over the top and then do the darks again.  In the light areas I lightly layer a color, then do white, then the color again.  In a white highlight areas I layer the white and press hard at the end.  Layering combines the colors and adds richer color.   On the yellow pepper I started with canary yellow and did a light shading over the entire pepper.  On the left side shadows I layered scarlet lake, canary yellow, white, purple, white, canary yellow.  On the right I started with cadmium orange and have not layered color yet.  I started working on the top but have a bit more to do value wise.  For the red pepper I worked on the top left only.  I used crimson red and indigo and a little white.  I barely started layering and will do more next class.  I plan to use crimson red, pomegranate and scarlet lake as well as white, indigo and possible canary yellow.   I will demo more on the peppers next class especially for those who missed class.


Art & Ale Watercolor and White Gouache Jan & Feb 2019

I transferred the drawing first.  Next I wet the paper and added green and yellow in the grass areas and blue at the top (you can use whatever colors you wish).  I then splattered some of the green and yellow (splatter the colors you decide to use).  When the paper was shiny but not puddles I added table salt towards the top and larger salt towards the bottom.  I let it dry.  We will start painting the cows next class.

We started with a blank white piece of paper.  We wet the paper and added blue (add any color you want to add).  I made it look like a sky.  After that dried I transferred the pelican.  I mixed a dark (I used the 3 primaries included the darkest blue I had).  I leaned it towards purple.  I started on the head and wet an area.  I dropped in the dark.  I dropped in red on the top of his head and the dark below it and let them merge. I worked down into the feather area and added the paint in lines to make a feather like texture, especially on the edges.  When I wanted lighter areas I used a little more water in the paint (that way the white of the paper showing through makes the light areas).  Since we are using gouache we can also make lighter areas with the gouache, I will show you that later).

DAC MM Jan. & Feb. 2019

This is the texture I made for a background in class. I wet the paper, added a blue-green color and added large salt and table salt when the paper was still shiny/wet but not puddles.  I allowed the paper to dry and then removed the salt.  The next step is to transfer the turtles.

This is a background I had ready with the turtles transferred.  I then painted watercolor onto the turtles.

I added a tiny area of colored pencil using mostly white, a little orange and some blue in the background on the right side fin and neck of the top turtle.  I will demo much more colored pencil during the next class.

I painted each pepper separately.  The yellow pepper was first.  I wet the pepper and stem, dropped in warm and cool yellow and a tiny bit of warm red on the left side.  I added green and some warm red to the stem.   I used watercolor pencil and a piece of sand paper to add the dots of green (it's a texture process called sanding).  I then painted the red pepper with watercolor pencil.  I wet the pepper, used sanding to add the color and then spread it with a brush.  On the stem I shaded the watercolor pencil on dry paper and spread it with a brush.   There are several other techniques to add watercolor pencil (I will go over them again in one of the classes).  I painted the green pepper by wetting the pepper and using a cool and a warm green.

I added the background.  I mixed a gray.  Gray is made by mixing the 3 primaries and leaning it toward the blue.  Brown is made by mixing the 3 primaries and leaning it toward red and yellow.  I wet the paper and dropped in the gray moving it around the paper.  I then dropped in some of the yellow, red and green used in the peppers.  I added a bit more gray on the bottom and added the color of the pepper in its cast shadow.  The shadows faded a bit more than I wanted so I may redo them with watercolor before staring on the colored pencil.