
Sertoma CW January & February 2018

Watercolor and a little gouache on watercolor paper.  I added darks and details as well as darkened the background with a few layers of glazes.

Acrylic & Gouache March & April 2014

Watercolor and Gouache on primed masonite prepped with Absorbent Ground


A&A Acrylic April

This still needs lots of value work as well as details and texture.  But he's getting there.


DAC Mixed Media April & May 2018

For the final, 3rd pass - I added the reddish shadows to the flower petals.  I will start demonstrating the colored pencil next class.

I started working in colored pencil.  I worked some of the hood, a wheel well and the windshield and background a little.  I am working now to shape the form of my subject (values, values, values) and to add details in the areas that are the center of interest (the windshield, hood, hood ornament, grill and headlights). I will demonstrate more nest week.

DAC Mixed Media April & May 2018

I added another layer of watercolor with more color and texture. 


Art&Ale April 2018

Acrylic.  White on a black gesso canvas panel.

After a few layers of color.

After refining in some areas.  There is still a little more to do.

I did a layer of white and a layer of color.  I will add more white, more color and some darks next class as well as some details.

NCBG ACP April 2018

In between classes.  Colored pencil over watercolor pencil.  I demonstrated quite a few techniques on this piece and ended up with many problems to solve.  

After some work, more work still needed.

 Before class.  I started with white in the light areas and especially on the pink areas since my surface is medium dark and green.  I then put the color over the top.  I also added some darks behind the top leaves.  I work in layers.  Remember - this surface  working this small will slightly limit the detail we can add.

This is after a short class demonstration.


DAC Mixed Media April & May 2018

Under painting with watercolor (can also use watercolor pencils) on watercolor paper.  The first pass - wet the paper and drop in a warm and color yellow.  Splatter for texture.  Let that dry and then transfer the drawing.  The second pass - wet the area around the flower and the center of the flower.  I dropped in green, green blue and water around the flower.  Drop in yellow, orange and brown in the center.  When the center is shiny but not puddles add sea salt to make the texture.  I have one more pass with watercolor I want to do in the next class before we add colored pencil.

Plastic wrap texture.  Wet the paper, drop in color, lay the plastic wrap on top scrunching it to make the texture.  Allow it to dry before removing the plastic wrap.

Salt texture.  Wet the paper, drop in color, when the paper is shiny and not puddles add the salt.  I used both fine table salt and larger sea salt (you can see both textures).

Under painting with watercolor (can also use watercolor pencils) on watercolor paper.  I transferred the cars (make sure it is dark enough to be seen after the watercolor is added), wet the paper and loosely paint the cars and background.  Let the color flow.  After it is dry start adding colored pencil.  I added a small amount of colored pencil so far.  I will demonstrate this step more next week.


Art & Ale Acrylic April 2018

I started using white on the wolf face and black onto the nose, mouth and eye as a start.  Paint in the direction of the fur/hair.

I added color in glazes over the white under painting.  I started adding white back onto the highlighted areas on a few petals.  I will continue glazing with color, darks and lights in the next class.

NCBG ACP April 2018

Colored pencil white and carmine red under drawing on tinted tan paper.  I worked with white for the lightest areas and carmine for the darkest areas making a value study under drawing.  After finishing the value under drawing I started adding color. 

This is a rather overly wild under drawing/painting with watercolor pencils on watercolor paper. I will work to refine and detail. I demonstrated various techniques on this piece including painting from the pencil tip, sanding, shading or scribbling with dry watercolor pencil and then wetting the area.

For NCBG ACP April 2018

Brown and white colored pencil under drawing on tinted gray paper

The addition of color

More color

The start of the refining process.  This is in process.

For NCBG ACP April 2018

Watercolor pencil as an under drawing/painting for colored pencil

A second pass of watercolor pencil on leaves and flower

The start of adding colored pencil

More colored pencil adding values and color and detail

Finished with colored pencil

NCBG Gouache March & April 2018

worked on the berries and leaves, lots more work to do.

Worked on the branch adding highlights and shadows.  Also added a warm red to the branch. worked on little details on the leaves and bud.

Added some darks under the mushroom cap and the texture on the mushroom cap.  Added details on the ground.

Art & Ale Acrylic, April 2018

Acrylic on black gesso.  The value study in white (almost finished) before class.

Acrylic on a colored background.  Before class, drawing transferred.


Sertoma CW March & April 2018

I worked quite a lot on the face, adding darks and color to warm it up.  I added darks to the hand and arm.  I worked on the scarf adding color and shadows.  I softened the back of the scarf with water and a brush.  I softened the  front hairline with water and a brush and a paper towel.  This needs more detail, shadows and refining, but is heading in a good direction

This is the white gouache on dark watercolor demo I did today for those who wish to try gouache.

This is the piece from my gouache class used to help visually explain the process.

NCBG Gouache March & April 2018

White gouache on a dark watercolor background
Watercolor glazed over some of the white gouache (carefully)

More detail added with the white gouache and some color 

Additional detail and color added


NCBG Gouache March & April 2018

I worked more with the white gouache for lights, textures and details and added some color and darks as well.

Sertoma Acrylic& Gouache, March & April 2014

Gouache and watercolor on primed masonite prepped with Absorbent Ground.  It's still in process.  I worked more on this piece adding highlights and shadows, details, and working on color as needed. 


Art & Ale Acrylic April 2018

White acrylic on black gesso.  Make a white value study.

This is an example, in process, of where this project is headed.

The background for the wolf.

NCBG ACP April 2018

3 color color wheel.  Choose the 3 colors that work best for your project and play around with mixing them.

This is an example, in process, of the 3 color project.  I used carmine red, canary yellow and peacock blue.  I also used my stik tak for lifting, a lot, and an eraser as part of the drawing process.  I used a stump for blending.

This is a background in acrylic with clear gesso on it and the transferred drawing for our 4th project.  This background was made by wetting the primed masonite and dropping in color and them tilting the board moving the paint around.

textured background made with wax paper.

Textured background with a blue glaze added on top